Want to help us name our new elementary school? Submit your idea by clicking here before 3 PM on January 31st!
(Full process detailed below)
New Elementary School Naming Process
- Suggested names will be solicited via the district’s and schools’ websites and email system using this Google Form. Anyone is welcome to suggest a name and it will be considered if it is accompanied by a clear rationale for consideration. Names without rationale will not be considered.
- Suggested names/rationale are due by January 31, 2020, at 3 pm, using the form linked in the previous bullet.
- A naming committee will be formed consisting of: a parent from Discovery, Hedden, Endeavour, a teacher from Discovery, Hedden, Endeavour, Amy Mittelstaedt (Principal at Endeavour/Future Principal at new elementary school), Elaine Smith (Director of Teaching-Learning-Innovation) and Jeff Nelson (Assistant Superintendent).
- The parents will be selected by lot. Depending on teacher interest, we'll either select or draw names. Principals will solicit parent names from each school.
- The naming committee will pare the suggested school names down to 8-10 names to be shared back with the community via website/google form for community input and ranking.
- The naming committee will reconvene to finalize 3-5 school names for the board to consider.
- The board will make the final name selection. Our committee’s goal is to have the final names to the school board by the February board meeting.