COVID Attendance

COVID Attendance
Posted on 05/05/2020
Realizing that there are a variety of instructional models being used, teachers are keeping track of any and all communication/connections with students. This can attending a Zoom class-time or office hour, emailing back and forth with a teacher with questions, turning an assignment in on Google Classroom, etc. Our main goal is to keep students engaged with CJH, their teachers, and their classwork.

The best thing you can do for us is to make sure that your child if interacting with his or her teachers every single week in some fashion. Attendance is taken each Friday in Skyward, and it represents that teacher's connection with your child. As we continue to figure out this new way of doing business, please let us know if we have missed something.

As we get closer to the end of the school year, we hope that your child will not only "attend" but also engage fully with their teacher by doing their schoolwork. Students who are completing their assignments and are emailing back and forth with their teachers are certainly "attending school!"
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