Character Strong

Character Strong
Posted on 09/27/2018
students learning Character StrongColumbia Junior High began its school year by building a foundation for success with every student. Part of this effort includes our launch of CORE/FLEX, our intervention period which allows us to "meet students where they are." We have now chosen to incorporate a Social Emotional Learning advisory curriculum, titled Character Strong, as a means of building school culture and teaching positive behaviors in and out of the classroom. These lessons will be embedded within CORE/FLEX and will take place approximately every two weeks.

Four Character Strong lessons in, we continue to shape our beliefs about what it is like to have and show Cougar PRIDE! Our staff and students have students learning in circleembraced this effort and we cannot wait to see this initiative take shape throughout the 2018-19 school year

If you'd like to know more about what's going on around CORE/FLEX and Character Strong, here are a few suggestions:

Ask your student to give you an update and a description
Give us a call at 253-517-1600
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